Software / Web Developer


Tien Duy is a Civil Engineer & BIM Engineer (Building Information Modeling) who has been working professionally since 2018 for VINCI group in France. As an BIM Engineer, he works a lot with the softwares of the construction. He's always impressed with the new technologies and the skills of the programmers. He got the chances to use the programming language as VBA, C# and Dynamo (visual programming) to develop applications for his company which help to facilitate and save work time. He found the real love for the programming. And therefore, he started focus heavily on learning to code since 2019 and he learned whenever he has a spare time. And now, he quit his BIM Engineer job to pursue his dream in the IT development. To become a true developer and working with a team, he joined in the coding bootcamp full-stack web development (Ruby & Ruby on Rails) of The Hacking Project within 3 months in Paris. In this bootcamp, he learned a lot the professional skills of the IT development as pair programming, Peer programing, the Agile method, Test Driven Development ...

In this website, he enjoys sharing his experiences, the difficulty as self-taught learning and thoughts on his blog. Keep up with new projects he is working on and go follow him on Twitter.


Ecommerce GraphQL

Modern techno : NestJS + ReactJS + ViteJS + MongoDB for Bookstore web app. Check code for the details.
Full-stack GraphQL Typescript NestJS ReactJS ViteJS MongoDB Python scrapy testing full-text-search bootstrap


Modern techno : NestJS + ReactJS + ViteJS + MongoDB for Bookstore web app. Check code for the details.
Full-stack Typescript NestJS ReactJS ViteJS MongoDB Python scrapy testing ci-cd cloudinary full-text-search scss

NestJS GraphQL Prisma Boilerplate

I create an backend boilerplate using NestJS-GraphQL-Prisma2. Full-feature for authentication with Jwt. Using Docker for development.
Backend Typescript NestJS Docker Jwt Refresh-token i18n send-email Redis PostgreSQL unit-tests e2e-tests ci-cd github-actions

NestJS flow

Tutorial: end to end to build a REST API project with NestJS. In this tutorial, you will understand how to build a project with NestJS. The repository contains multiple branches to pass from simple...
Backend Typescript NestJS Jwt Redis PostgreSQL TypeORM Microservices RabbitMQ AWS gRPC unit-tests elastic-search caching

Reddit clone GraphQL

Clone a simple reddit website with GraphQL using NodeJS + NextJS. Using Reddit for auth solution, PostgreSQL for database. Chakra for Client UI.
Full-stack Typescript NodeJS NextJs GraphQL Chakra-UI PostgreSQL TypeORM Redis TypeGraphQL

NodeJS raw query

Build a clean structure in NodeJS + Typescript. Using dependency injection pattern. Auth with JWt + express-session. Full tests: unit tests, integration tests, e2e tests. CI-CD with Github actions.
Backend Typescript NodeJS ci-cd github-action REST API raw-query sqlite3 jwt session unit-tests e2e-tests dependency-injection clean-structure

React Ant-design Boilerplate

Typescript React boiler plate with Ant-design. State management with Redux & Redux thunk. Linter and format with Eslint & Prettier. CI-CD with Github actions.
Frontend Typescript React Ant-design Redux Redux-thunk lazy-load react-memo ci-cd github-action eslint prettier

Demo React Ant-design

Demo using React with Ant-design for landing pages.
Frontend Typescript React Ant-design

Dev.to clone

Clone dev.to website with NextJs + Firebase.
Frontend Typescript React NextJS Firebase react-markdown

Dev Connector

A social plate-forme for uploading profile, posts and discussions between developers.
Full-stack Javascript MongoDB NodeJS Express ReactJS JWT Bcrypt

Job Tracker

Traking applied jobs by offres and by company. Missing front-end.
Backend Javascript MongoDB NodeJS Express JWT Bcrypt


My final project working by team at the coding bootcamp The Hacking Project: plate-form feedward. This project is an idea startup of a member in my team: http://getfeedward.com/
Ruby ROR PostgreSQL SpotifyAPI Chart.js RSPEC

Chaton maton

A team project e-commerce for the picture of Kitty.
Ruby ROR PostgreSQL Asset storage AWS Stripe

Eventbrite clone

An eventbrite clone. I am working in progress in this project to complete the search, filter, and upload file features. Working in progress ...
Ruby ROR PostgreSQL Devise

Gossip Project

A web page to post the gossips between the mousaillons at The Hacking Project.
Ruby ROR PostgreSQL

Lead manager

Simple CRUD lead manager information built with Python Django REST Framework & React. No online demo for this moment.
Full-stack React Python Django REST Framework PostgreSQL Bootstrap

Medium Clone

Create an clone of Medium for multi-users. We can write a new post with markdown syntax. Using Django Admin to manage the data. No online demo for this moment.
Python Django PostgreSQL AWS

Estate Agency website

My first project in Python, Django. No online demo for this moment.
Python Django PostgreSQL Search Filter


Demo: how to build an REST API project with .net core 3.1 & 5.0 through an Role Playing game. Features: Clean structure, PostgreSQL, Entity Framework, JWT, OOP solution, Swagger for documentation.
.net-core-5 .net-core3.1 rest-api swagger jwt PostgreSQL Entity-framework OOP Dependency-injection

Revit WPF Template

An C# WPF template in visual studio to help the developer create simpler their add-ins for Revit.
C# WPF RevitAPI MVVM Modeless form

Inventory App

Sample repository how to create a Warehouse Management Tool with C#, WPF and SQL Server.
C# WPF SQLServer

TailwindCSS zero to production

Improve skill TailwindCSS with small projects
TailwindCSS ViteJS ReactJS

Admin Template

An example of Admin page with dark mode and chartjs
HTML CSS JS Chart.js

Dev Connector Project

A front-end theme for my project Dev-connector.
HTML CSS Bootstrap

Glozoom Project

A bootstrap theme for landing page
HTML CSS Bootstrap

LoopLAB Project

A bootstrap theme for multipage
HTML CSS Bootstrap

Mizuxe Book

A landing page to present a book.
HTML CSS Bootstrap

F8 Shop

An responsive shopping page using pure HTML and CSS. Create a library of grid system and card.

The Surfing Project

An responsive bootstrap page pr for the surfing school
HTML CSS Bootstrap